Sende schneller bessere E-Mails. Mit out.bounz für Salesforce.

Automatisiere deine E-Mail-Kommunikation und lasse sprachliche Barrieren ab sofort hinter dir. Ohne dein Salesforce CRM zu verlassen. Mit out.bounz.

Mehr Infos


Help Center


1. General questions

1.1. What is in.bounz?

in.bounz is an extension (app) for your Salesforce CRM system. With in.bounz, email messages that arrive in your inbox can be automatically imported into your Salesforce system.

This way you can automate numerous processes in almost all your departments - from accounting to sales - based on emails.

1.2. Is in.bounz the right solution for my processes?

in.bounz is the right solution for you if... are using Salesforce. use Gmail, Office365 or another IMAP-supported email provider. want to automate your inbound email processes.

1.3. Can I use in.bounz for shared mailboxes?

Yes, you can also use in.bounz for shared mailboxes, such as a support@ or application@ mailbox.

2. Using the app

2.1. How many licences are required to activate the automated generation of data records?

In order to use the automated creation and updating of data records in Salesforce, you need to book at least ten in.bounz licences.

3. Help & Support

3.1. I have a problem with in.bounz. Who can I contact?

If you have a problem with in.bounz, you can contact us at any time by emailing Or call us on +49 (0)800 25 68 396 and we will help you immediately!

3.2. How can I give my administrator or support employee access to my account?

To grant your admin or one of our support staff access to your account, you need to go to your profile in your Salesforce Org and open the profile settings. Here you search for "Grant Account Login Access" and can now grant the desired persons access to your account for a period of time of your choice.